Brandon will pardon Hunter – after the election

Jill and I will always be there for Hunter and the rest of our family with our love and support. Nothing will ever change that.

— President Joe Biden

In the most open-and-shut case since Al Capone was found guilty of failing to pay taxes on his gangster profits, a jury found Hunter Biden guilty on all three charges for lying on a gun purchase form in saying he was not addicted to drugs.

The prosecution presented a mountain of evidence that Hunter committed the crimes, while Hunter’s defense team presented barely anything to rebut that evidence or otherwise exculpate him. Their Hail Mary strategy was “jury nullification” where an unethical jury allows its passion or prejudice to set free a defendant they know to be guilty. See, Simpson, Orenthal James.

The fine-tuning to this defense was the presence of First Lady “doctor” Jill throughout the trial – once by flying Air Force Two back from France where she was tending to her incontinent husband and back again, all on taxpayer expense.

There’s more to come. Hunter is scheduled for a trial on tax evasion. That case will present an opportunity for Hunter to emulate Mr. Capone even closer. The case is for Hunter’s failure to pay taxes on the proceeds collected by the Biden family business from foreign influence-seekers. Establishing the amount of money received, retained and not reported to the IRS will entail documenting not just what the foreigners paid Hunter, but also the disbursements from Hunter to his . . . um . . . relatives who probably likewise failed to pay taxes.

Some of those relatives must be squirming.

Part of the evidence will also be the laptop from hell that one of those relatives falsely assured us was a Russian fake – an assurance that the mainstream media and the establishment intel operators bought hook, line and sinker.

Hunter’s sentencing hearing will be in a few months. He could be sentenced to as much as 25 years in prison, but is more likely to get about one year, at most. It’s unlikely that he’ll skate altogether, however. The guy will serve time – and even more time when he’s convicted in the upcoming tax case.  

Unless a relative pardons him. Both cases involve federal crimes, for which a president has pardon power.

Joe says he won’t pardon him. I’ll bet he breaks that promise after the election, win or lose. (Joe of course has the pardon power until his term is over, which is not until January 2025 even if he loses.) Parsing the quoted words above, he already seems to be signaling to Hunter that a pardon is in the works – provided Hunter doesn’t rat him out.

Joe will have a rationale for that promise-breaking. He’ll say that the cases became politicized and justice was not served and “Orange Man Bad” and, besides, “threats to democracy.”

This will be a fitting finale to the reign of the stupid crooked Bidens, and history will remember it even if the mainstream media buries it. The plagiarizing, lying, mumbling, stumbling, bumbling, influence-peddling patriarch who abolished the nation’s borders, botched Afghanistan, invited the invasion of Ukraine and the Hamas pogrom of Israel and then turned on Israel as it tried to defend itself against that invasion, revived 1980’s-style inflation, undermined America energy independence, and tried to purchase votes from youngsters with loan shifting and pot decriminalization, will pardon his felonious, crack-addicted, paternity-denying, illegal gun-toting, whore-mongering, bribe-taking, deadbeat daddying, perverted miscreant of a son.

Worst. President. In. History.

6 thoughts on “Brandon will pardon Hunter – after the election

  1. That’ll teach Hunter that he needs to learn how to repair his own computer. Or take some of that Burisma $$ and buy a new one.

  2. Biden and his family are a corrupt, socialist bunch that should be imprisoned. Their dealings with China are criminal. Opening the borders, decriminalizing drug offenses, and using government Law Enforcement agencies for political gains, abusing and ignoring the U S. Constitution. He is destroying this Great Nation.

  3. A legal question … as I am not a lawyer. As Hunter Biden has been indicted and charged for income tax evasion in federal court, are the family recipients of Hunter’s (alleged) unreported income considered unindicted co-conspirators?!?

    Thanks … and g’day!

  4. The upcoming debates (IF they actually happen.

    Trump: So what about the laptop that you claimed was fake? What do you say now?

    Biden: You are a threat to democracy.

    Trump: That’s it? That’s all you got?

    Biden: And you’re orange!

    Legacy Media: Biden masterfully handles Trump’s attacks.

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