Fewer racial minorities in college will help racial minorities

In a methodical and scholarly decision written by Chief Justice John Roberts, the Supreme Court this week did what I predicted last fall they would do. They said racial discrimination in college admissions is unconstitutional.

Several other Justices joined Roberts’ decision while also writing their own concurrences, including Justice Clarence Thomas in an emotion-packed opinion of Constitutional originalism that would do proud his old mentor, Justice Antonin Scalia.

It’s a landmark decision that is far more important than last year’s Dobbs decision overturning Roe v. Wade (unless you happen to be a fetus). I take personal delight that the named defendant that history will saddle with the loss is Harvard, a place that once rejected my application to law school and, more importantly, is the vanguard of the liberal intelligentsia.

Expect Harvard and other colleges to respond to the Supreme Court ruling by cheating. They’ll continue their racial discrimination but they’ll hide it better. Leftists have no respect for the rule of law. For them, it’s all about the rule of power.

But in the coming years, there will be follow-up Supreme Court decisions rejecting racial discrimination in hiring and promotions in companies. In contrast to colleges, companies will be less inclined to cheat their way around those decisions, partly because they respect the rule of law more than colleges do, and also because they respect profit-generating merit more than colleges do.

Racial discrimination is thus once again illegal in America. We’re returning to a land with a God-given equal opportunity to exert one’s efforts, not a Marxist mantra of equal results regardless of those efforts.

Despite the dire predictions of bigoted old white virtue-signaling liberals at MSNBC who think racial minorities are incapable of exerting effort, the big winners in this decision are racial minorities themselves.

Here’s why.

Unless you plan a career in law or medicine where it’s a prerequisite, college has become a scam. Even in technical fields like engineering and computers, notables such as Bill Gates and Steve Jobs dropped out of college. One of my favorite opinion writers is James Taranto, currently in charge of the opinion page at the Wall Street Journal. He, too, is a college dropout.

Those guys wound up doing alright, as did millions of other people who never went to college.

Colleges these days don’t teach western civilization; they disdain merit as a white construct; they say there are 57 genders; they give degrees in English Lit without mentioning William Blake; they enjoy pretending that ancient Egyptians were sub-Saharan Blacks even though they know they weren’t; they teach minorities especially that they’re victims; and they indoctrinate helpless, hapless students 24/7 with lefty professors who drove away their last remaining conservatives about the time they condescended Barack Obama as the smartest president in history and his wife as the most beautiful First Lady.

They do all that while charging students a quarter-mil, which gets loaned for payback over a lifetime of lousy earnings.

Minorities especially get funneled away from the STEM fields where they might actually learn that 2 + 2 = 4. Their job prospects are consequently limited to the educational-industrial complex. They become DEI czars whose job is to funnel the next generation of minorities to the same dead end.

One thing about all the victim shtick injected into these kids is rich with irony. They are indeed victims – not victims of society, but victims of their college, its faux teaching, and its overpriced tuition.

Racial minorities in particular have been exploited to engorge rich college endowments with billions of dollars and to engorge fat liberal guts with satiating virtue. It’s they who are the big losers in this Supreme Court decision — the unholy alliance of greedy colleges who want to get even richer and sanctimonious liberals drunk on their supposed virtue and dizzy with their emo-bation

Maybe the Supreme Court’s decision will give these kids that colleges exploited for two generations an opportunity to take a deep breath. Join the Peace Corps. Enlist in the Navy. Go to a trade school. Start a business. Get a real job as a carpenter, a plumber, an entrepreneur. Found another Apple Computer.

Learn to rely on yourself and think for yourself. Reject the insult of government handouts and liberal pity. Learn to meet a payroll and pay a mortgage. Raise a family. Discover that despite what the self-serving establishment tells you, you’re not a victim, except of their low expectations.

Grow up, and become a man or a woman. (Don’t become both.)

Now if only we could also devise a way to have fewer white people in college, too…

Glenn Beaton practiced law in the federal courts, including the Supreme Court. His book “High Attitude – How Woke Liberals Ruined Aspen” is available at Amazon and Barnes and Noble.

9 thoughts on “Fewer racial minorities in college will help racial minorities

  1. There are other issues. One of them is how the Supreme Court, in setting up the original affirmative action (properly, disparate impact) system in the 1970s, reduced the value of the four-year degree as a credential qualifying its holder for entry-level employment particularly. Let me elaborate.

    At one time, college graduate was considered an educational level. College dropouts, high school graduates and people with only a little junior college or a few freshman courses at a four-year college, and even high school non-graduates are hired for all sorts of jobs. None of these people have a major. Largely, the population of college graduates does not have, and never has had, a closely job-related major like nursing or engineering.

    The poverty and underemployments rate of college graduates might be startling. The only figure I ever saw was startling, and maybe even seriously inaccurate. But there is one thing I am sure of. What the real number is, it is buried under the usual obfuscation which characterizes unemployment and poverty figures in the United States.

    Another thing that stood out in the figures I saw is that the poverty rate for black college graduates was twice that of white college graduates. Again, the figure I saw were not very detailed and may not have been accurate at all. It may, for example, have represented only people who were within, say, three years of receiving their degree. Or it may have included people who were out of the workforce because they were elderly and disabled. I don’t know, but the idea that black college graduates have twice the poverty rate of white college graduates has the ring of truth. Not to mention, the idea that the poverty and unemployment rates for all college graduates is higher than one might think also has the ring of truth.

    The point though is that it strange that soon after one branch of the federal government, the legislature, had acted to make college and university education accessible to all socioeconomic classes and all demographic within the American population, another branch of the government would act to make all of those new degrees as worthless as possible as a credential.

    The point is, in spite of affirmative action preference maybe blacks – the ones who have gone to ordinary public colleges, not the elite universities – have been caught in the blowback from affirmative action. Beyond that, maybe the blowback isn’t accidental. A lot of people have caught on to the idea that maybe what they think is the “bug” in the system instead is the system.

    I can see some people jumping in and saying, well, maybe the population of black college graduates is pretty heavily skewed toward the bottom half or even the bottom quarter of all college graduates. Well, there are jobs for people in bottom quarter too. You still need to look at why college graduates are so often deemed not qualified for any kind of work whatsoever, even work that, often enough, college dropouts are hired to do.

  2. “Fewer racial minorities in college will help racial minorities”

    Yes! Agree 100%.

    This counter-intuitive thinking is precisely what will result in “racial minorities” rising up to the challenge of academic excellence by raising expectations and promoting high standards throughout the “racial minority” communities.

    George W. Bush may have screwed the pooch on a number of things to the detriment of the conservative movement. But he was spot on when he famously called out “the soft bigotry of low expectations” in regards to failed government policies to lift up minority communities. These so called affirmative action programs, first proposed by the racist Democrat LBJ, most definitely fall under the category of soft bigotry.

    Question … why are the BLM and Antifa terrorists NOT tearing down and demolishing all the legacy statues, bridges, and foundations named after contemporary racist Democrats like Lyndon Baines Johnson and the late Senator Robert Byrd (KKK, WV)???

    Inquiring minds would like to know …

  3. Wow! Am I glad that I opened this email from Glenn Beaton!

    While the title of the piece, “Fewer racial minorities in college will help racial minorities,” was not terribly attractive in choosing which emails to read out of the, seemingly, thousands that I receive each day, I knew that Glenn does not choose the subjects of his pieces lightly, and also that there is always some wisdom in every piece he writes.

    And so it is with this one!

    But, even so, I have always thought that the minute the US gummint got involved in the “student” “loans” business, that is when the already-high paid university administrators rubbed their hands together and figured out ways to justify jacking up the cost of “tuition.”

    So, ultimately, the “students” were never intended by those at the practical, mechanical, level of the “student” “loans” business to be the beneficiaries of this unimaginably immense, for the common citizen at least, operation.

    Rather, those university administrators planned, of course, and succeeded in justifying the cost of the “education” that they offer rising to unaffordable amounts, at least for normal, productive, citizens.

    And somehow,, YES SOMEHOW!, those university administrators went from earning somewhat justifiable salaries, to earning astronomically high salaries. HUH!

    For example please tell me how Robert Robbins, president of the University of Arizona, is worth ONE MILLION DOLLARS A YEAR!


  4. Hopefully no joining the military until they get rid of the woke leaders and stop discharging people who won’t take the COVID vaccine.

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