Biden’s pandering to a few terrorist sympathizers drives away millions of other voters

In 2020, about five and a half million people voted in Michigan. Biden won by about 155,000 votes.

Of those five and a half million who voted in Michigan, about 145,000 were Muslim. About 100,000 of them voted for Biden.

Those 100,000 Michigan Muslims are now making a stink. They’re unhappy that Biden is permitting Israel to finish the war that Palestinian terrorists started on October 7. They demand that Biden pressure Israel into a cease fire that would leave the terrorists free to murder, rape, behead, burn alive, and terrorize another day – and another year and another decade.

These terrorist sympathizers have instilled in Biden . . . well, terror. Without Michigan, the math is very difficult for him to win reelection. And he’s already on the defensive there. The latest RealClearPolitics amalgamation of Michigan polls shows him down over three percentage points. This is in a state he won by almost three in 2020, so he’s currently polling about six points worse than in 2020.

And so, Biden is doing what the Bidens of the world do when they’re feeling terrified by terrorists. He’s panicking, capitulating, and running for his life.

In order to shore up his Michigan Muslim vote, he’s acceding to their demands to toss Israel into the oven. He instructed his United Nations’ ambassador to introduce a U.N. resolution calling for a cease fire in Gaza in order to prevent Israel from winning the war that the terrorists started.

The resolution garnered enough votes to pass, but, ironically, was vetoed by Russia and China. On the surface, the votes and vetoes seem to imply that Russian and China saved Israel from an American defenestration.

It’s actually more complicated than that. The resolution contained a poison pill. Biden’s people drafted it with a bit of anti-Hamas language for the specific purpose of enticing the Russians and Chinese into vetoing it. And so, the Russians and Chinese did indeed save Israel, but only as part of a broader strategy of preventing any criticism of Hamas.

If that U.N. strategy by the Biden administration sounds too cute by half, that’s because it is. The administration is playing a dangerous game, all for the purpose of placating a relatively small constituency of terrorist sympathizers in Michigan.

It’s been noted that Wisconsin, too, has a significant Muslim population (how did this happen?) and is also a battleground state. In fact, the polls in Wisconsin are even closer than in Michigan. Like Michigan, Wisconsin is an absolute must if Biden is going to celebrate his 86th birthday in the White House.

The Israeli Prime Minister, Bibi Netanyahu, is an astute observer of world politics (not to mention an Israeli war hero). He referred to Biden’s pandering to the Muslim constituencies in Michigan and Wisconsin as the administration’s “Two State Solution.”


It’s disgusting that for the purpose of getting reelected an America president would pander to terrorist sympathizers. And would do so at the expense of America’s most reliable ally in the Middle East over the past 80 years – an ally that endured two millennia of diaspora and, finally, after the most horrible genocide in history, was allowed to rebirth a nation in their ancient ancestral home, the home of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.   

I’m glad to report that Biden’s pandering is backfiring. Whatever votes Biden is corralling among terrorist sympathizers is being more than offset by the stench. Americans overwhelmingly support Israel in its war with the barbarians. Americans see Biden’s pandering to the terrorists for the cynical, selfish gambit that it is. Biden’s ineffectually courting of 100,000 Muslims in Michigan is costing him millions of voters around the country – including in Michigan.

Democrats do this. They think they can buy the votes of particular constituencies, and the rest of the voters won’t notice. Biden has done this with student loan forgiveness to pander to young voters who irresponsibly ran up crushing debt for useless degrees, as if the rest of us won’t notice.

He does it with unachievable electric vehicle mandates to pander to a green lobby as if the rest of us won’t notice his mandates threaten to take away reliable transportation for the rest of us.

He does it with a porous border to pander to America-hating leftists as if the rest of us won’t notice that the country is being overrun by illegal, unskilled, and often criminal immigrants.

It’s the Democrats’ theory of “intersectionality.” They divide the world into the oppressed and the oppressors. They posit that the oppressed will all vote as a block – for the Democrats, of course.

This simplistic formula works until the various “oppressed” groups collide. “Oppressed” unionized automobile workers who historically voted Democrat are pitted against “oppressed” greenies who want to ban cars. “Oppressed” Catholic Hispanics are pitted against “oppressed” transexuals. “Oppressed” poor people are pitted against “oppressed” illegal immigrants in competition for jobs.

Ah, the world does not neatly divide into oppressed and oppressors. The so-called oppressed don’t all meet at the “intersection” to vote for Democrats.

Joe Biden and his caretakers are learning this, to their chagrin. They need a formula for governance – and campaigning – that is more sophisticated than pandering. “Of the people, by the people, and for the people” would be a good start.

3 thoughts on “Biden’s pandering to a few terrorist sympathizers drives away millions of other voters

  1. I think you (and most other commentators I’ve read) are wrong about the reason for the pandering. If a few thousand muslims don’t vote for Biden, the Party can just crank up the voter turnout in its Detroit and Milwaukee precincts from 105% to 110% to make up for it. This is the result of the Obama Gang’s hatred of Israel. They’ll do everything they can get away with to save Hamas and damage Israel.

  2. “Intersectionality” is indeed a political strategy as opposed to a coherent ideology but what few in the represented tribes fail to realize is the fact they are but a means to an end at which time neo-Marxists will turn their backs to them or crush them as is the case of the black subculture. The utopia envisioned by neo-Marxists does not allow for 5% of the population, black males between the ages of 15 to 35, to commit over 55% of all felonious crimes…which when eliminated would result in one of the lowest per capita crime rates in the world.

    When one comes to accept the evil that is the false religion Marxianity has implemented the dark strategy of what Ludwig von Mises termed “Planned Chaos” then the seeming madness that surrounds gains focus; disrupt, disturb, dislocate, distract, destroy, disorder, dislodge, demean, displace, damage, devalue, diminish, deceive and degrade every aspect of the Judeo-Christian American culture while disparaging and disappearing its history…discord until disgusted and dissatisfied Americans come to believe the Constitution is dead and in need of replacement with a social justice blank check like that of South Africa so admired by Obama and RBG.

    The final confrontation between good and evil has begun…pitting those who adhere to the “Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God” against those who do not; the false religion of human intellectual arrogance, Marxianity, posing as a political ideology in an utterly incongruous alliance with a political ideology, Islam posing as a religion…with both seeking to destroy the United States so as to destroy Israel.

    It really is that simple.

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