I’m rooting for the protesters

At places we used to call institutions of higher learning, ignorant kids who don’t know any better and their ignorant professors who should, but also don’t, are trespassing in support of the raping, beheading, kidnapping, burning alive hostage takers of Hamas.

It’s a revolting scene. Even in Nazi Germany they tried to hide their atrocities. In contrast, Hamas posts them on the internet, and their sympathizers at American universities embrace both the terrorists and their terror like the latest hula hoop fad. (Watch out, trannies, you’re so-o-o-o 2023. And watch out, BLM, you’re so-o-o-o 2021.)

Much as these terror-sympathizers disgust me, and much as I’m rooting against the terrorists with whom they sympathize, and much as I’m rooting for the Israelis in their existential struggle to survive, I hope the university protests continue.

Here’s why.

Because the protests are revealing the rot in American universities. The system that used to be the envy of the world – the best and brightest everywhere came here to learn – has strangled under the stultifying, anti-intellectual yoke of DEI, wokeism, anti-merit, one-party rule that is delivered by greedy, wasteful, heavy-handed, over-numerous, group-thinking bureaucrats.

College tuition has gone up at double the rate of inflation for as long as I can remember. Students pay far more than ever before, even after adjusting for inflation, and get far less. At Columbia, tuition alone is $67,000 a year. Nobody gets charged the sticker price, of course, except the Jews.

American parents and their kids can now plainly see what many of us have known for years. Unless you want to be a doctor or lawyer, college is a monumental waste of time and money. It’s a scam.

Good careers are available without a college degree. In Switzerland – which is not exactly a banana republic – only a third of kids go to college. The rest find interesting work as electricians, carpenters, programmers and tradesmen. They make a good living at those professions, and are not looked down upon. They’re respected, they’re happy, and they’re debt-free.

Here in America, the industrial-education complex contrived to convince the people that they’re losers unless they spend a couple hundred thousand dollars for a useless degree. And they convinced voters to support that scam with taxpayer dollars, and, now, to use taxpayer dollars to forgive outlandish unpaid loans to the foolish people who were scammed.

These protests offer a moment to reconsider all this destruction and waste. Barack Obama in a different context called such moments “teaching moments.”

Speaking of whom, here’s an added benefit to the protests: they’re embarrassing to the Democrats. Most Democrats know that the Hamas terrorists are worse than animals, but they are reluctant to say so because the Hamas supporters are mainly Democrats. These protests pressure the Democrats to take a side, publicly.

Because Mr. Biden knows there are voters on both sides, he has tried to side with both. That doesn’t work for long in wartime.

4 thoughts on “I’m rooting for the protesters

  1. Excellent points but I fear they will not “land” on the intended targets. Too many are birds of the white sheeted yellow belly variety.

  2. Remember back some fifteen years ago … when Barack Obama’s Jew-hating preacher Jeremiah Wright was publicly exposed for egging on the September 11, 2001 terror attacks and describing the attacks as America’s “chickens coming home to roost.”

    Well by Obama’s preacher’s standard … sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander, as the adage goes.

    The Democrats’ Dearborn and anti-Semitic chickens are apparently coming home to roost, to blue state America.

    Bask in it, blue states and commie-infused campuses … you’ve earned it all in spades.

    All these elitist university uprisings ought to be the final nails in the coffin for student loan forgiveness … America’s silent majority will have nothing to do with this vote pandering scam.

  3. Excellent analysis of the current situation. 1968 will be childs play compared to this years DemocRAT convention. When will they learn they are poking the bear and kicking the porch dog at the same time. Yes you can mold a youths mind but it always comes back to haunt when they turn on those who molded them in rebellion labeled as protest to force an agenda. Higher education is about the money before education. When congress approves tuition assistance increases the institutions increase at least by that amount or more while their endowments are safely tucked away for a rainy day to support the next great debacle. Public support for this needs to end and higher education needs to stand on its own two feet yet be held accountable for issuing a worthless degree in basket weaving.

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