Whose fault is it that America is descending into Third World status?

Store theft is now done openly. People load their arms or shopping carts with stuff they want and simply walk out the door. After closing, mobs of them smash the storefront and grab what they want. I’m reminded of stores in Mexico where padlocked steel curtains cover the glass storefronts each night. After closing, the store become a little fortress.

The left explains that this isn’t looting because . . . reasons. One reason is that it’s really a protest for social justice, whatever that is. Another reason is that stores have insurance, dontcha know, and so stealing from them isn’t really stealing. Another reason is that the looters are jobless due to COVID, and so their theft is excused by their hunger.

In other words, the left contends that stealing a Prada bag to feed their greed is just like Jean Valjean stealing a loaf of bread to feed his sister’s children.

Speaking of the jobless, employers are desperately seeking to relieve them of that status while the jobless are desperately seeking to maintain that status. People have decided they’d rather not work, which is understandable since we told them they don’t need to and we even pay them money not to.

Joe Biden still denies it’s happening (he’s probably being ignorantly sincere but he might be knowingly lying – you never know which it is with Joe) but these workers opting out of work have caused a shortage of the things that workers used to make. Go figure.

The resulting inflation has now reached that level of emotional spiral where it takes on a life of its own. Unable to hire workers to meet the demand for their products, businesses raise prices on the little product they can produce, which causes inflation which causes the expectation of more inflation which causes more inflation.

The left says this mass resignation of American workers is a good thing. Lefty economist Paul Krugman writing for the New York Times says people’s refusal to return to jobs they were reasonably happy with, but shouldn’t have been, is a “silver lining” to COVID.  

Consider the irony that Krugman, who thinks societal wealth is produced by printing more money, analogizes to a precious metal.

It must bug Krug that millions of people wade across the Rio Grande in search of these jobs that make people unhappy if only they weren’t too stupid to know it. His only solace is that at least they come illegally and so he thinks that they, like most criminals, are future Democrats.

He’s mostly wrong. People who risk everything and even commit an immigration crime, all for the purpose of finding work to feed their families, are not likely to become Democrats. Indeed, Hispanics were never really on the Dem plantation, and increasingly don’t want anything to do with it.

Murder is on the rise nationwide. The left explains that it’s not because murderers are emboldened or society is coarsened, but because of COVID. Oh, and guns too, which were evidently invented just now. It might also be due to global warming. Meanwhile, lefty politicians defund the police while spending taxpayer dollars for personal bodyguards.

On the streets and highways, people drive wildly. I’m not talking about speeding 10 mph over the limit or running yellow lights. I’m talking about running lights that have been red for a long time, maniacal weaving through highway traffic, and laying on the horn and flipping the bird at other drivers who commit no offense other than being in their way.

The left now instructs the police – the ones not yet defunded – not to stop these lunatics because that would be racist because too many of them have dark skin.

Fine, but could we at least stop the white ones?

They are sure to stop the Asian ones if they can find any. Anti-Asian discrimination is the good kind, we’re told. Harvard candidly discriminates against them because, dontcha know, they have bad personalities. An Obama-appointed judge in Boston agreed. The Supreme Court is stalling on whether to decide the case or just let it fly under their radar. After all, the victims are only Asians.  

Everyone knows that the real reason for discriminating against Asians is that they’re too meritorious. So rather than increasing the merit of non-Asians in order to compete better with Asians, the left is abolishing merit. If their favored groups don’t do well on the tests, they abolish the tests.

That same Supreme Court looks like it will decide to uphold a law in Mississippi that allows a pregnant woman only three months to abort her baby. The left says this law from the former and current Confederacy – which is similar to the abortion laws of France, Germany, Belgium, Spain, Italy and Switzerland – violates Section . . . um, mumble . . .  of the Constitutional guaranteeing a womyn’s right choose an abortion whenever she/he/they/it wants and guaranteeing a baby’s obligation to be the victim of that abortion whenever the womyn wants – just like in China.

Justice-ish Sotomayor, appointed by the current de facto president, Barack Obama, warned her colleague-ish Justices in open court that upholding this law would create the “stench” (her word) of a politicized Supreme Court because it would require reconsidering the celebrated case of Roe v. Wade where a Justice nicknamed “Hip Pocket Harry” for his choice of residency in the hip pocket (or was it the front pocket?) of the Chief Justice at the time discovered said Section . . . umm, mumble . . . of the Constitution.

But according to the left it would be different to overrule Citizens United which held that under something called the First Amendment (curses on that Bill of Rights thingy!) political candidates can receive not just money from trade unions, as they always have, but also money from the people. Same with Heller which said that the Second Amendment (more curses on that Bill of Rights – rights are for trade unions, school boards and the FBI, not for people!) means what it says. Overruling those cases, the left assures us, would not be politically stenchy but would be a breath of fresh air.

Which is something increasingly rare in our once-great cities where fresh air is polluted by stenchy vagrants who camp on the sidewalks and poop in the parks. They’re not discouraged; they’re heroized. The leftist rulers of our cities spend taxpayer money to entice them downtown to remind us that America is bad. The bums allow themselves to be used in this manner because it satisfies their need for the sympathy deserving of a willing victim of a life of willful failure.

Fresh air is something also denied to toddlers who are forced to wear COVID masks. The left orders this not to protect toddlers – who get approximately 0.0% of COVID cases – but to remind you that they’re the boss. They control what your children wear and what they learn. They own them.

There’s a common thread here. The left controls colleges, big business, schools, media and entertainment. They’ve convinced much of America especially young people that Western Civilization is bad. They’re actively rooting against us.

Their ideas for a substitute civilization that they will rule, benevolently they assure us, are at best pipe dreams and are at worst authoritarian nightmares. Their substitute civilizations will fail, as they always have, but in the meantime they want to destroy what’s here. In that, they’re winning.

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23 thoughts on “Whose fault is it that America is descending into Third World status?

  1. Wait, what? “Running” a yellow light is not illegal, as long as you are in the intersection before the light turns red! In fact, there are probably many accidents caused by people not going through the intersection, but attempting to back up — sometimes with another vehicle close behind — when the light goes yellow, even though they are in (and I mean “in”) the intersection, already.
    This can also create backups when people don’t avail themselves of the opportunity to make a left turn because the light has turned yellow, but nothing is preventing them from doing so. Amen.

    • Um, you’re not supposed to enter an intersection when it has turned yellow. You are OK if you enter on green and it turns yellow while you are crossing.

      • Um, you are wrong. I have this info from various police officers.
        Slamming on one’s brakes because the light turns yellow is exactly why yellow lights were introduced: so people wouldn’t slam on their brakes because the light went from green directly to red.

    • Methinks the gentleman doth protest too much. It’s just an analogy, Joe, which may not be perfect (analogies seldom are), but which captures the essence of leftist “entitled” lawlessness and heedlessness.

      • 1. Just because I corrected a misconception doesn’t mean that’s all I garnered from the essay.
        2. Driving properly is one of my favorite topics.

  2. Glenn, great column as usual.
    The choice of font and background colors make the text difficult to read on a phone with old eyes. Easy to fix.

  3. Glenn,
    What can we expect? The sixties kids who cast off restraint, burned books and bras and glorified Woodstock were all raised by “The greatest generation” dubbed by Tom Brokaw. The greatest generation kept their religion and morals close to the vest leaving the kids to make up their own minds. These 60s kids are today’s professors with no absolutes in their world view. Os Guiness proposed in A Free People’s Suicide the Golden Triangle of Freedom. The three legs depended on each other. At the base of the triangle was Freedom which required the left leg of Virtue which in turn required the right leg of Faith. Faith of course is based on the fact that we can plainly see by what is made that there is a Creator. That faith leads us to virtue which prevents the suicidal decline of freedom which requires virtue and faith. Declining functional families that sit around the table and discuss important things need absolutes to discuss.

  4. Whose fault is it?!? I would point my finger at the Hegelian and Marxist ideologies that are both subtly and overtly promoted in academia, public education, media and entertainment, Big Tech, corporate board rooms, every HR department, and virtually all levels of government. The Democrat Party (note: it’s Democrat, not Democratic, because there is nothing democratic about this gang) is the vehicle used to drive Hegelianism and Marxism into every corner, crevice and facet of American life, cradle to grave … and even beyond the grave too! Just notice how many past war heroes, generals, Founders and others are having their memorials and even gravesites torn down and dug up.

    Much like during the Wilson era of over a century ago, America is re-experiencing another totalitarian moment.

    This Devil’s brew that the totalitarian Left and their vehicle the Democrat Party are force feeding to America is by design. They actively promote and encourage inflation while publicly downplaying it in order to break America’s middle class, i.e., the bourgeoisie, an always hated and reviled class of Bolsheviks and fascists alike.

    By the Left’s reasoning it’s better to make everyone equally impoverished and hungry as to better control their penchant for individualism and independence thus making them beg like hungry dogs for scraps from the utopian table.

    This is how the totalitarian Left make themselves feel good and justify their totalitarian behaviors. They’re doing it all for our good, but we’re all just too stupid to see it and appreciate their “generosity.” So … they want to “teach” us by shutting down our small businesses, closing our churches, and yelling at us proclaiming that our Divinely gifted Constitutional rights, written and unwritten, are all just some diabolical social construct created by long dead white racists.

    Yet our new totalitarian Left thinks it can do better that which has failed so miserably time after time after time … a new social utopia, i.e., heaven on earth, a perfected society with a new and recreated man, or woman, or transmyn, or humanx, or whatever.

    It failed at the Jacobins’ guillotines in France. It failed in the Bolsheviks’ gulags and Stalin’s Holodomor. It failed with Hitler’s Holocaust. It failed with Mao’s Great Leap Forward and Cultural Revolution, and continues to fail China with 1989 Tiananmen Square, the Uighur concentration camps and CCP repression. It also continues to fail in North Korea, Cuba and the formerly oil rich and once prosperous Venezuela, among many other countries.

    Right now Chicago’s crypto-Marxist mayor blames retailers, small businesses, entrepreneurs and capitalists for the looting and organized mass smash and grab theft rings that our emptying out shops, Rx stores and department stores. This assclown mayor of Crime City blames the victims …the victims! … for not putting in place enough security while the city’s real security, usually referred to as the police, are defunded, declawed and defanged from going after the criminal class. The criminal class … this is also known as the Democrat Party’s core base.

    It seems like life is imitating art. Doesn’t this feel like and resemble one of those dystopian Batman Dark Knight movies from a decade ago? The Joker is laughing maniacally while spreading chaos and disorder while Bane enacts “social justice” and completely neuters the city’s police force. But … where is America’s Batman? Where is our Dark Knight? This is Captain America calling … so will you catch me now I’m falling.

    The totalitarian Left’s and the Democrat Party’s plans and manifesto read like a version of C.S. Lewis’ The Screwtape Letters, a twisted playbook for the corruption and fall of man. Every Democrat Party convention should open with the classic Rolling Stone’s song Sympathy For The Devil. This song so crystallizes the theme of their destructive and coercive political movement.

    It’s Saturday, and it’s so very appropriate, so I dedicate this song to the totalitarian Left and their Democrat Party …

    • You have answered Glenn’s initial question very well indeed. I would just add that the principal and necessary means to the Marxists’ end is the destruction of Christendom, which, sad to say, is being accelerated by Bergoglio’s Vatican and the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, who are “wreck-o-vating” the Catholic Faith faster than Notre Dame is being turned into a globalist Disneyworld. The Bergoglio-Biden nexus is the new “Axis of Evil.”

      And, yes, this is exactly what is depicted in Christopher Nolan’s Dark Knight Trilogy. In “The Dark Knight Rises” we even see the modern version of Robespierre’s Reign of Terror, playing out in various COVID lockdowns in church and state around the world.

      So where, indeed, is America’s Batman — if not Trump, waiting to rise from the pit into which he has been cast?

  5. The question before the house is, “Whose fault is it that America is descending into Third World status?” The shortest and most accurate answer is, “Democrats.”

    • And the rest of us have been aiding and abetting. Some of us are still sending our children to their best “screwals” and universities, paying taxes and hefty tuitions for the privilege.

  6. Anyone who can’t discern that Joe Biden is merely a figurehead puppet reading off a presented script at the behest of his handlers seriously needs to do a self check on thier own intelligence.
    There’s ample evidence his brain isn’t functioning at the level needed to even manage a convenience store.
    Anyone who bothers to look up the ample video evidence, will also see he is a pedophile.

  7. That Hispanics, as a group, have decreasing enthusiasm for the Democrats is good news. But when it all shakes out, they’re probably still **net** voters for the Dems, so an increasing population of Hispanics is still an increasing headwind for conservative candidates.

    And their shift, to the extent it exists, is nothing principled. It’s because now **their** ox is being gored. The character of Mexican civilization (as an example) and its incompatibility with ours was discussed in a classic 2001 piece by Christopher Manion, “Cultural Suicide”: https://www.lewrockwell.com/2001/07/christopher-manion/cultural-suicide/

    That was the theory of the matter. An example of its application is the story of South Gate, a Los Angeles suburb. I recall the news of its Mexican-style political corruption when it was appearing, piecemeal, in the LA Times. Cal State Northridge historian Roger McGrath told the whole story in his 2003 article, “South Gate: Mexico Comes to California”: https://www.theamericanconservative.com/articles/south-gate-mexico-comes-to-california/


  9. Leftism is a mental illness, and between the living, dead, and illegal mentally ill the Left is now a majority in many jurisdictions and can win elections that allow them to install a permanent unelected bureaucracy of mentally ill Leftists to run things until the economic and social collapse that always occurs when the insane are in charge.

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