Harvard says Asians have bad personalities; judge agrees

Glenn K. Beaton

Some 52 years after Martin Luther King Jr’s death and one week after the three-day weekend for which he is now remembered, Harvard says it discriminates against people with bad personalities. After all, what good is knowledge, morality and dreams if you’re no fun?

To the fun-loving bureaucrats running Harvard, personality is measurable by your skin color and your sex life. They believe that good personalities are found in blacks, Hispanics, gays, transgenders, whites and just about everyone else, in roughly that order.

Except Asians. Harvard says Asians have bad personalities. And so to be admitted, Asians need an SAT score about 140 points higher than whites and about 450 points higher than blacks.

You might reasonably ask: How did Harvard decide that Asians have bad personalities? Continue reading

Will the Dem left dox the pilot of that Reaper drone?

Glenn K. Beaton

We now witness the spectacle of the Democratic left siding with Iran and its vanquished, mass-murdering general cum terrorist. Because Trump.

It’s a case of simple-minded “My enemy’s enemy is my friend.” The left views Trump as their enemy. So does Iran. Therefore, goes the reasoning of the Dem left, Iran is their friend.

Consider for a moment the character of the Dems’ new-found “friend.” Iran is a corrupt, centrally planned and crony capitalism economy wrapped in a theocracy right out of the Dark Ages. They stone women for adultery, chop off the hands of shoplifters and execute children.

This friendship between Iran and the Dems is part of that epidemic called Trump Derangement Syndrome, or TDS. The agitated sufferers of this derangement, like hysterical leftist Congresswoman AOC, let fly nonsense such as accusations that Trump is a “war criminal” and a “monster.”

Gee, what’s that leave for, say, Adolf Eichmann? Continue reading

Banned in Aspen and 25 other towns; newspaper chain fires its only conservative

Orchestrated media bias extends all the way down to small town newspapers owned by big-time media companies. Consider the Aspen Times and its parent, Swift Communications.

That lefty little newspaper in this lefty little resort town started publishing my conservative columns seven years ago, back when Donald Trump was known as a blustery reality TV host.

My columns sometimes went to the top of the newspaper’s trending list, generating more clicks than frontpage news. They invariably produced more comments and letters to the editor than all the other columns combined. Most were positive.

I usually dealt with national political issues where I often but not always criticized the clown car of Democratic presidential candidates while siding with Trump’s policies if not his personality. My stuff contrasted with the mindless and unread Trump-bashing of the other half dozen columnists.

My columns also covered touchy local issues such as Continue reading

Like the Iranians, the left now chants “death to” its opponents

The “death to” slogan began in Iran in the days of the Shah. It wasn’t enough to depose the Shah. They wanted “death to” him.

After the Shah died, gleeful Iranians evidently concluded that it was their sloganeering that killed him. They weaponized this discovery with other slogans similar in hateful meaning but not in lethal effect. Think “death to America” and then “death to Israel.”

Other countries such as Yemen joined in the chorus and expanded it. Soon it was “death to America, death to Israel and damnation to the Jews.” That was off-putting to Israelis, and also to Americans who were little comforted by the slogan’s absence of damnation to them specifically.

Israel and America weren’t the only nations targeted by these voodoo death wishes. “Death to the Soviet Union” was popular until Continue reading