Trump will win again, then comes the hard part

The polls are wrong again, and this time we have advance evidence beyond Trump’s say-so.

Polling has always been an inexact science, and now it’s harder than ever. It’s hard to get a representative sampling of actual voters by making random telephone calls to people whose willingness to participate and trust of media pollsters are skewed politically.

Look at an example separate from the presidential race. In Maine, four-term Senator Susan Collins is up for re-election for her fifth term. In her last two elections, she won by 23 and 37-point margins. Yet polls show her behind this time by about 5 points.

Those polls cannot be right. She’ll win by at least 4 points, suggesting a huge error in the polls – an error of at least 9 points.

Other factors are uniquely Trumpian. First, Trump’s approval ratings are higher than his polling numbers. If both are accurate, then many people who approve of his job performance nonetheless want to fire him.

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The triumph and tragedy of Trump

First, the triumph. Against all odds, he won the presidency with promises to shake up a sclerotic Washington establishment. He did that and more.

He moved the U.S. embassy to the ancient capital of Israel over objections from the establishment who predicted a violent reaction from the culture of complainers that passes for Palestinian people. That move proved the first step toward an outbreak of Mideast peace.

Along the way, he put out of business the beheading barbarians called ISIS, cancelled the agreement that would have made Iran a nuclear power within a few years and coordinated with our ally Israel in thwarting belligerents throughout the region.

While the left was figuratively canceling good Americans who said politically incorrect things decades ago, Trump was literally canceling terrorists who were torturing, raping and murdering Americans.

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Jeffrey Toobin is the face of modern journalism

There once was a man named Toobin,

Whose fondest delight was in Zoomin’,

As he wiped off his screen,

After makin’ a scene,

He asked, “How did you like my oozin’?”

The New Yorker has or had a “legal analyst” named Jeffrey Toobin. He was a participant in a recent Zoom videocall with several other people. The conversation evidently didn’t interest him. He pulled his pants down and found something that did. A lot.

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“Cheyenne Mountain Indians” is the PC wokesters’ latest scalp


Cheyenne Mountain High School near Cheyenne Mountain in Colorado Springs where I grew up has a mascot, or did. Since, well, forever, they were the “Cheyenne Mountain Indians.” The mascot’s depiction is a respectful image that could have come out of an Edward Curtis lithograph. It’s not a caricature.

The wokerati recently demanded that the Indian mascot be changed and that the word “Indian” be canceled. They have not demanded that the Indian tribe “Cheyenne” be canceled. Yet.

Over the objections of at least 2,000 alumni and other petitioners who asked that the Indian stay, the school board gave in to the bullies and expelled the Indian. They’re changing the mascot.

What next, will the bullying PC crowd shake down the school board for their lunch money?

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In rooting for the virus, the Left is just like Hitler


The Left has embraced cop killers, rioters, arsonists, avowed Marxists, voting frauds, cancel culture and censors. They justify their accessory to crime and their trampling of Constitutional and human rights on the grounds that it serves a greater cause – the defeat of people who disagree with them.

This ends-justifies-the-means approach to morality – or to put it more simply, this abandonment of morality – is progressing inexorably to its natural conclusion. The Left now actively roots for the virus to kill people they don’t like, such as President Trump.

Drunk on their fantasy, they hope that his death is painful and humiliating and that his wife dies too.  

They express their sick sentiments not just in the dark recesses of their troubled minds and not just over bad frou-frou coffee at Starbucks. They boast of their wicked wish openly to the world. They tweet it, for God’s sake.

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