Fewer racial minorities in college will help racial minorities

In a methodical and scholarly decision written by Chief Justice John Roberts, the Supreme Court this week did what I predicted last fall they would do. They said racial discrimination in college admissions is unconstitutional.

Several other Justices joined Roberts’ decision while also writing their own concurrences, including Justice Clarence Thomas in an emotion-packed opinion of Constitutional originalism that would do proud his old mentor, Justice Antonin Scalia.

It’s a landmark decision that is far more important than last year’s Dobbs decision overturning Roe v. Wade (unless you happen to be a fetus). I take personal delight that the named defendant that history will saddle with the loss is Harvard, a place that once rejected my application to law school and, more importantly, is the vanguard of the liberal intelligentsia.

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It’s time for today’s Democrats to do what 1974’s Republicans did

“I am not a crook,” proclaimed Richard Nixon shortly before he resigned in disgrace.

And he wasn’t. At least not in the ordinary sense. Some lowlifes hired by an overzealous Committee to Reelect the President burglarized the Democrats at the Watergate Hotel. Nixon then foolishly tried to cover it up. That amounted to the technical and manufactured “crime” of obstruction of justice. But what Nixon himself did was not burglary – the burglary was committed without Nixon’s knowledge.

Then there’s Joe Biden.

Joe apparently was on the take. He and his family – at least nine of them at last count – appear to have taken millions from America’s competitors and even enemies around the world. His creepy son Hunter was the bag man for these bribes, but what Hunter was selling was 100% Joe.

That this happened is no longer seriously disputed.

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Why can a nine-year-old boy consent to having his penis filleted but not fellated?

The list of things that nine-year-old boys are prohibited from doing is long. They cannot drive, vote, skip school, get a tattoo without parental permission, buy cigarettes or marijuana or alcohol, or irrevocably mutilate their bodies.

If you’ve ever met a nine-year-old boy, you’d probably agree that these prohibitions are sensible.

Another thing a nine-year-old boy cannot do is to consent to sexual relations with another person. We sensibly deem the nine-year-old brain incapable of granting consent to such an act.

But the people who labeled themselves “woke” until society began associating their chosen label with their nutty ideas, say that a nine-year-old boy – without his parent’s consent or even knowledge – should be able to have his penis amputated. He can get his penis filleted but not fellated.

Amputation of his penis is apparently exempt from the prohibition on mutilating other parts of his body. He still can’t get a tattoo.

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Democrats will defy the Supreme Court’s upcoming decision outlawing racial discrimination in schools, just as they did in Brown v. Board of Education

The Supreme Court in 1954 unanimously declared in Brown v. Board of Education that racial discrimination in schools is unconstitutional.

The reaction of Democrats was indignation and defiance. Democrat Arkansas Governor Orval Faubus called out the state National Guard to prevent Blacks from entering white schools.

Democrat Virginia Senator Harry Byrd organized the “Southern Manifesto” calling for Brown to be reversed and vowing never to implement it. It was signed by 99 Democrats but only two Republicans, including all but two of the Democrat senators from states in the former Confederacy. Democrats in Virginia passed the Stanley Plan, named after Democrat Virginia Governor Thomas Stanley, barring any state school receiving state funds from following the Brown ruling.

Democrat-controlled legislatures across the South closed many schools to avoid having to integrate them. The Democrat legislature of Florida passed a resolution declaring Brown “null and void.” A Democrat member of the Ku Klux Klan murdered a Black civil rights activist for daring to file a lawsuit to enforce Brown in Mississippi.

Democrat Alabama Governor George Wallace personally stood in the doorway to block Black enrollment at the University of Alabama.

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Creative destruction – LA and Boston are overtaken by Miami and Denver

Hey Bird, Magic, Wilt, Parish, and McHale!

Meet the new bosses, not the same as the old bosses:

There’s a big white Serbian named Jokic who’s a magician with the ball. He can dunk but rarely bothers. He has a soft touch that usually finds the hoop, and loves to get the ball into the hands of others to do the same. He leads by example.

He’s so clever that watching basketball is now something like watching hockey – you lose track of the puck/ball. Jokic never went to college, never learned to trash talk, and never got too full of himself. Instead, he worked tirelessly to become the best center – and maybe the best basketball player at any position – since, well, forever.

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