Is Judge Barrett too Catholic for Pope Francis?

First, there’s economics.  I wouldn’t call Pope Francis the “Commie Pope,” as some do, but it’s a fact that his admirers have included Cuban communist dictator Raul Castro and self-described American socialist Bernie Sanders who implied that the Pope is a socialist.

Understand that this former Argentine priest named Jorge Bergoglio was shaped by Argentinian economics and politics. In the early 1900’s, Argentina was wealthier on a per capita basis than Canada or Australia – it was about the tenth wealthiest country in the world.

But political instability and recurrent bouts of socialism and oppressive regulations choked off the economy. Argentina has now deteriorated to the status of an undeveloped country. Inflation runs rampant, politics are unstable and corruption is everywhere.

This is what shaped Bergoglio’s views. The form of capitalism he saw was something we would describe as, at best, “cronyism.”

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Mad Max and the Democrax

The best of the “Mad Max” movie series is the second, called “Road Warrior.” In a post-apocalyptic Australian desert, a former cop named Max, played by a young and buff Mel Gibson, drives around with a sawed-off shotgun in a tricked-out American/Australian muscle car wearing tight black leather and a large chip on his shoulder.

The reason for that chip on Max’s shoulder – the reason he’s mad – is that he was such a good cop in the first movie that a bunch of weirdo thugs sought to defund him. Max was too tough for them, so they settled for his wife and infant son.  

Max brought justice to those bad guys, and I don’t mean the social kind.

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In the name of anti-racism, we’ve declared white people racist on the basis of their race

Young black men in America are eight times more likely than young white men to commit murder and five times more likely to commit other violent crimes. On the basis of that data, is it fair for me to conclude that a young black man standing in front of me is a mugger and murderer?

No, of course not. The vast majority of black men are not violent. Logically speaking, general information about a group is unreliable evidence about an individual. Legally speaking, it’s inadmissible as evidence in court. Morally, it’s racist.  

Racism is hard to overcome because in an anthropological sense it’s quite natural. Our DNA has programed us to be wary of unfamiliar faces. Back on the savanna, unfamiliar faces were from other tribes, many of which were unfriendly. Hominins whose DNA did not include this programing tended not to propagate it.

You can see the wariness of unfamiliar faces in infants. The first few times they see a person of another race, they’re confused. In immature minds, and many mature ones, confusion produces fear. That’s instinctive.  

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If Jefferson, Churchill and Gandhi were racists, shouldn’t you be too?

Well, no, you shouldn’t. But here’s my point in asking the question.

These were great people. In launching the best nation in the history of the world, Thomas Jefferson wrote, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

He served as the third president of that nation, negotiated the Louisiana Purchase, sent Lewis and Clark across the continent and put the nation on a path to become a beacon of freedom to the world.  

Yes, he owned slaves, as did many people throughout the world at that time. But in his intellect, his morality and his words, he set the stage for the abolition of that ancient heinous practice four score and seven years later.

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The Democrats’ tragic romance with the rioters

President Trump’s re-election chances looked iffy as summer heated up. Ugly video of clashes between cops and black men made conservatives seem on the wrong side of the race debate. The left seized the opportunity to make theater of the issue. It was a box-office hit.

But the left’s fondness for theater invariably leads them to act up, and then overact. Predictably, they escalated their theater from drama to melodrama to Rambo movies. Peaceful protests grew into riots. Buildings were burned, stores were looted and people were killed.

Their smash-hit theatrical production became, well, just a smash-up.

The rioting culminated at the commencement of the Democratic National Convention which was held, virtually, in Joe Biden’s basement. Or wherever. People wondered, what will they say about the riots?

We soon learned what they would say. Not a damn thing.

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