Will the terrorist sympathizers be awarded honorary PhDs?

For months, “mostly peaceful” protesters have harassed and harangued Jewish students at what used to be our best universities, all on the grounds that, this time, Jews on the other side of the world are defending themselves against barbarians right out of the 11th century.

The protesters’ mini-pogroms are not retribution for the Jewish students’ support of Israel – the protesters have no idea of whether those Jewish students support Israel or not – but are retribution for Jews being Jewish. This has happened before.

The protesters set up tents in the university commons, with all the deliberate connotations of military encampments. I remember when tents were set up in the woods, but now tents are a symbol and reality of anti-Americanism. You got a gripe? Get a tent. Put it up in the park and poop in the gutter.

That’ll convince everyone that you’re right. Or it will at least convince yourself that you’re a victim, which in today’s so-called society is better than being right.

When not pooping in the gutter, the dirty miscreant quasi-military university tent campers chanted antisemitic slogans at Jews as they made their way to class, and anyone else unfortunate enough to happen by.

Meanwhile, they demanded that the universities make meaningless gestures amounting to a statement that when light-skinned people defend themselves against dark-skinned terrorists, or any other circumstance involving light-skinned people and dark-skinned people, the former are oppressors and the latter are oppressed.

The faculty were not exactly the grown-ups in the tent. Some joined the terrorists sympathizers and became terrorists sympathizers themselves. Others expressed sympathy for the terrorist sympathizers. Sympathy is almost as good as victimhood nowadays, and requires just as little effort.

Some of the terrorism majors demanded room service – breakfast in bed in their tents. They complained that it was inhumane for the university to deny them food and drink during their trespass. They opined that it might even be a breach of contract. After all, they or their dark money sponsors had paid good money for a dormitory meal plan, right?

They expressly compared themselves to the protesters at Kent State. Being denied breakfast in your tent bed isn’t exactly like being shot, but it’s a start – and a lot less painful.

The Democrats initially applauded all this as an exercise of “free speech,” which is what Democrats call an insurrection when it’s committed by Democrats. President-ish Joe Biden had a “fine-people-on-both-sides” moment where he mumbled that both sides were right or perhaps both sides were wrong and in any event there are fine voters of both sides . . . and . . . look, a squirrel!

Then he fell down.

OK, he didn’t fall down that time but his poll numbers did. In all the battleground states, he’s now trailing a guy who’s been indicted 847 times, most recently for paying off a blackmailing slut but failing to use campaign money to do so.  

The terrorist sympathizers and their terrorist sympathizer sympathizers not only got away with all this, but seemed to be having a splendid time of it until those election polls woke up the “woke” Democrats and the barbarians burst the gate at the Columbia Dean’s Office. Setting up tents in the commons to threaten the extermination of the Jews while simultaneously accusing them of genocide is one thing, but setting up a tent in the Dean’s Office and driving down the approval ratings of a Democrat president in an election year is something altogether worse.

So, Columbia finally sent in the newly un-defunded cops. It took the cops just a few minutes to clear the grounds, reclaim the Dean’s Office for the absent Dean, and replace the Palestinian flag with Old Glory.

The usual suspects have already announced that in five years the terrorists, their terrorist sympathizers and the terrorist sympathizer sympathizers will be seen as courageous and sympathetic heroes. Whenever the left loses an argument, you see, they revert to boasting that they’re nonetheless on the right side of history.

Uh huh. Sort of like the Soviet Union in 1917. Or Fidel Castro in 1959. Or Pol Pot in 1976. Or the BLM riots of 2020. Or the defunding of police departments in 2021. Or Oregon’s legalization of hard drugs in 2022. Or genital mutilation of children and cross-dressing men competing as women in 2023.

On the other hand, bear in mind that history is written by historians – mainly university professors. It is indeed possible that history as written by those historians will heroize the terrorist sympathizers, even if the rest of us see them for the spoiled, foreign-funded, violent, antisemitic and anti-American anarchists that they are.  

They probably won’t be awarded honorary PhDs, but I wouldn’t rule it out. That’s a measure of how far the left has taken America down.

How long before they chant “Gas the Jews”?

First, let me apologize to my Jewish readers. I realize that hearing those three words must be painful. Many of you have parents or grandparents whose friends or family were gruesomely murdered in that very manner.

The reason I use those words is that today in the year 2024 we are closer to such horror than we’ve been for 80 years, and we must not pretend otherwise. The Jewish nation that promised “never again” is being explicitly threatened with “again.”

This moment comes in the wake of the atrocious murdering, raping, beheading, burning alive and hostage-taking committed by Palestinians against civilian men, women and children playing peacefully on a pretty fall day in Israel last Oct. 7. The Palestinians since then have rejected numerous proposals for a cease fire in exchange for the hostages they took, apparently because they’ve already tortured, raped, beheaded, burned and, finally, murdered those hostages.

Alive, the hostages would have been more useful to Hamas. Dead, the hostages are no longer hostages, but just bodies. But, alas, the Palestinians’ temptation to torture, rape, behead, burn and murder was apparently irresistible to them.

Such depravity is consistent with the Palestinians’ broader conundrum. Israel has repeatedly offered them land for a Palestinian state if only they would agree to peace. But they don’t want peace; what they want is the eradication of the Jewish state and the Jews. Their ambitions for a nation are hostage to their hatred of Jews.

If these so-called people had been around at the time of Solomon (they weren’t) they would have wanted the baby cut in half.

These bloody terrorists have found recruits in naïve young American students. These kids don’t know what Hamas is, don’t know the history of the Jews, have scarcely heard of the Holocaust, and when they chant “From the River to the Sea” they don’t know what river they’re chanting about nor what sea.

As for their sloganeering that the Jews are committing genocide in seeking to prevent yet another pogrom by an outfit that just committed one and promises another, well, excuse me but there’s something obscene about accusing the Jews – the Jews! – of genocide.

These protesting students are foolish, ignorant, useful idiots looking to be cool.

They’re too young to falsely claim they were at Woodstock, as their grandparents falsely claim. But it’s not too late to support people with darkish skin and to persecute people with lightish skin.

Their notion of data-gathering is to notice that most Israelis have lighter skin than most Palestinians, and so the Israelis must be wrong and the Palestinians must be right.

With that, it’s . . . to the barricades! (Their own grandchildren will be so proud of them – this is their Woodstock!) At our once-great universities and elsewhere, they skip classes (it’s spring, after all) to chant:

“Burn Tel Aviv to the ground”

“Hamas, we love you. We support your rockets too!”

“Death to Israel”

“Death to America”

“We are Hamas”

“Hitler was Right”

To answer my own question in the headline, the chant “Gas the Jews” has already been used by a mob in Sydney, Australia – not exactly a sister city of Auschwitz. This same hatred is increasingly evident in places that in the past have made easy boasts about their tolerance and anti-bigotry, such as Boston, New York, Berkeley and Ann Arbor.   

It will soon be in Peoria. Let’s be ready this time.

Excusing atrocities by Palestinians because they have dark skin is wrong and racist

Everyone has read the reports by now. On Oct. 7, Palestinian terrorists in Gaza called Hamas launched a surprise invasion of Israel. They shot, tortured, raped, beheaded and abducted every Jew they could find. Most were women, children and babies.

Over 1,200 Jews died, and countless more were injured. It was a Jewish pogrom, right out of the Middle Ages. The perpetrators filmed their gruesome bloodbath and gleefully posted it on the internet.

Hamas also took about 200 hostages back to the underground tunnels of Gaza, where they’ve been using them as human shields, trading them for Hamas terrorists captured by Israel, and torturing them to death.

Outrage is the world’s rightful response to this sick and sadistic massacre.

But not everyone feels that way. Ordinary Palestinians don’t feel that way at all. Polls show that 70-80% of the Palestinians in Gaza support the massacre.

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